Sunday, October 31, 2010

Is watch still a time teller?

When people talk about watches nowadays, does the function time telling come into your mind first? Or is it the fashion or brand names that the watch reflects come into your mind first? Over the past decades, as the technology advances in personal devices, we no longer need a watch to determine time. When we want to know the time, all we need to do is to pull out our blackberry or iPhone, and look at the screen. It even tells you the date, day of the week, alarm you set, and stuff that you need to do by clicking on the date. Can watches do it? Probably not. It will contain too much information in a small surface area, which might make you feel dizzy. Personally, although I wear a watch every day, instead of just looking at my watch on my wrist, I would rather spend the time to take out my blackberry from my pocket and find the time. So if a watch is no longer a medium that tells you time, why do we still need watches? The answer is watch has changed their role as a medium in the society. It no longer connects people with time; it has become a medium of fashion. 

Nowadays, when you open up a magazine or watch a TV commercial about a watch advertisement, what value is the marketer trying to emphasize? About 2 decades ago it might still be about the additional special functions of the watch, however, it is now more about the value the watch depicts about a certain person. Let’s look at a few advertisements for famous men watches.

As we can see in these ads, it does not advertise anything about the accuracy of the watch, or the function of the watch gives, but advertises what you can be if you own such watch by choosing a successful celebrity, athletes, or businessman. Take the example of the Tag Heuer ad, the slogan “What are you made of?” implies that if you buy this watch, it will pull you up to a higher society, since only successful people owns this watch. In a feeling, watch is a medium of reflecting a person’s value and status, and how it associates with other luxury goods. Watch is no longer a time teller, it is a luxurious accessory in the mind of the watch company, and they have successfully market this value in the past two decades. The social role of watch has also gradually changing. 

Here’s a video of a Rolex TV Commercial

The change of marketing strategy could be due to the stress come from the advance in technologies. When no one values time from a watch anymore, the company will slowly shut down. Therefore, marketing new values for watches is a critical move by the watch companies in order to survive. But one thing that they didn’t realize is that they have also changed the role of watch as a medium.

ps: one interesting fact, you will notice that on watch advertisement, the hour hand and minute is almost always at 10.10. This is because it allow us to see the whole dial (watch surface) of the watch. It also kinda gives a happy smiley face.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Coffee a day, Keeps a Babson Student awake

Do you still remember who was your best companion or supporter during your morning class or last minute projects at 2 am? Yup, it was your be-loved coffee. Coffee has become human’s best supporter, especially after Starbucks emerged in the market place. Although it might seem strange for a person who never drinks coffee to talk about it, it would be an interesting perspective to see how coffee drinkers think different from what I observe. Today, I would like to talk about how coffee has transformed its social role from a “coffee break” to a “coffee wakes you up for work” with the influence of how the media portray coffee.
The earliest credible evidence of coffee drinking and the knowledge of coffee’s energizing effect appear in the middle of the fifteenth century, in the Sufi monasteries around Mokha in Yemen. It was here in Arabia that coffee beans were first roasted and brewed, in a similar way to how it is now prepared. In 1952, aggressively promoted by the Pan-American Coffee Bureau, the "coffee break" was first promoted. As coffee was exported to other European countries, it became a beverage for social interaction or personal pleasure.

However, when coffee was spread into North America, its social role has gradually been changing. Instead of something that people enjoy, it has become a drug that keeps students and office workers awake during late nights and early morning. Imagine if Dunkin Donuts and trim’s coffee machine no longer sell or produce any coffee beverage, the population of “sleeping zombies” would highly increase. So why did the social role of coffee transformed after it is introduced into America? One of the reasons could be because how coffee is advertised in the States. Let’s take a look of the Starbucks’ commercial.
As we can see, Starbucks is advertising coffee as an energizing drink that you must have at your late night work or early morning, or else, EVERYTHING will go wrong because you didn’t have enough sleep. Slowly, as this image is instilled into people’s mind, coffee’s social role has transformed.

Coffee used to be a medium that brought people together, and have quality time with each other in a café, or a good end of meal beverage with dessert. It was like an art. However, with the influence of the media and advertisings, coffee has become a medium that keeps people awake. May be this is the reason why people are starting to reform and reshape the presentation of coffee by showing an artsy side of coffee in cafés by creating all the elegant shapes with the cream on top.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Chinese Mentality of how WEIRD Food helps your body

I have read a few media blogs about how food can be a medium of a certain culture. I was pretty fascinated by it. I remembered there was once in my English class, the professor and the class were discussing about how people greet each other in different countries. In the States, it is usually like “what’s up”, and “how are you?” However, surprisingly, the Chinese and Korean students in our class pointed out that in their countries, instead of just saying “how are you”, they often also follow up by asking “Have you eaten yet?” The discussion made me realized how Asian people cherish food so much. So I decided to serve around the internet and see what tourists see in Chinese food. Then there is one google result kind of caught my attention. Chinese weirdest food. So I decided to  talk about how Chinese weirdest food shows the mentality of how Chinese people choose their food. Although it is quite extreme, they are really good examples. According to the Chinese medicine, this mentality is called "if one eats an organ of an animal, then it will be good for the corresponding organ in one's body." (以形補形) saying that Chinese people think animal organ is a medium to good health.

Cow Testicles 
Yup, cow testicles. As delicious as this may sound, most people will probably give this a pass. Believe it or not, there is actually a choice of rare or well-done. But by frying testicles, it actually removes the unpleasant smell of it. According to my grandpa, he said it should give you a quick boost of energy and improve men’s sexual performance.

Monkey Brains 
The Chinese believe that they can cure themselves from germs and bacteria, and become smarter by eating monkey brains. Pickled ginger, pepper and peanuts are added to the fresh monkey brains for extra flavoring. According to Chinese medicine, eating animal organs will help corresponding organs in the human body. Although I am not sure whether this is illegal or not in China, it is sure that there are people who still hold this belief and actually eat monkey brains. It usually happens in Guangdong province in secrecy. (do not want to search any photo for this)

                                                     Deer Penis 
The third weirdest food is deer penis. The Chinese in Guangzhou eat deer’s penis to aid sexual performance along with other health needs. According to some of my uncles, cooked deer’s penis is rubbery and hard to chew. Deers penis might be seen as weird in some cultures, but for traditional Chinese people, it is a common source of medicine. Deers penis can also be taken in a capsule form.

To conclude, by seeing what people eat in different countries, the food can reflect the culture or mentality of the people. I personally have never tried any of them, and do not even want to see it. Unfortunately, there are people in China who still hold such believe. A more common and less gross example would be pork lungs or chicken feet, which is good for your lungs or feet. I guess eating weird food is one of the stereotypes that Chinese have.    Although it is not generally true, but there are people who eat unordinary food. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Imagine a world without signs > CHAOS

        Imagine when you are in a restaurant, and suddenly you feel of an emergency to go to the bathroom, you stop at the two bathroom doors and found there isn’t a sign to indicate which door leads to your gender’s bathroom. What will you do now? You can either go ask a waiter for help, or take a 50/50 chance. This example shows us that we heavily depend on sign around us; and without them, it might lead to embarrassment, or even danger. Therefore, signs around us are media that guide us to awareness, construct orders and provide directions.

        If there are no signs around us, imagine all the danger that we might face. Traffic signs are clearly one of the good examples. If traffic lights, and all the speed sign, stop sign, one way sign and caution sign were never invented, the consequence would be a terrible chaos on the road. Everyone would be driving the way they want, which will definitely causes a sky high driving accident rate, not to mention the accident rate that United States is already having. These signs that seem to annoy you while you are driving are actually creating orders to keep us safe and sound. Sign does not only guide you to awareness, it also provides directions so that you can arrive to your destination.

        McLuhan would describe this as a “hot” medium because sign does not require a person to put a lot of effort in order to understand the content that the medium is transferring. When we see a no smoking sign, we immediately understand that this place does not allow smoking, creating awareness for the people who are not familiar with the environment that he or she is in. Although sign seems to be such an unnoticeable object, it has a tremendous impact on our society.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

We are Advertisement too!!

      After discussing about what mass media portrait on stereotypes in advertisement during class, I begin to start randomly watching different advertisement on Youtube. Then I started to wonder, is mass media the only way to advertise? Across the decade, marketing managers have been thinking that the best way to advertise their product is by creating awareness. Hence, mass media would be the perfect medium to create such awareness. However, in the past few years, marketing managers has thought of a new medium beside from the mass media; and it is pretty effective on creating this awareness. This new medium is us, regular men and women.
        Imagine when you walking down the street, and saw someone using a special product or having a tattoo on their forehead, don’t you want to know what that is. This is the idea where marketing companies started to use regular men and women on street to advertise their products. For example, you are having a tea in a café, and suddenly a lady with really attractive body walks in (for girls: an attractive half naked six pack male walks in), our first reaction would probably be glancing at her. When you glance to her boobs, and you found a website address link on top of her boobs,  Doesn’t this makes you want to check out this fitness gym right now? It doesn’t only create an awareness of the gym, it also implies that if you want to find hot girls, you should go work out and get fit in this gym. We have become a medium between the marketing companies and their target markets.
       This method of advertisement reminds me of the definition of media McLuhan makes in Understanding Media. He states that a medium is “any extension of ourselves.” Now, we ourselves have become an extension of ourselves. We have become a medium for the advertising companies to mediate their communication with their consumers. This advertising technique has affected or altered how we perceive other human beings. In some ways, now we can perceive a human being as a marketing product.